Clan lord status
Clan lord status

clan lord status clan lord status

Regretting hitting his nephew, Shimura tried to apologize but Jin, realizing his uncle is too stubborn to listen, leaves. Jin and Shimura both refuse to budge, leading Shimura to hit Jin in the heat of the moment. Though Shimura intends to order another frontal charge at dawn, Jin knows the tactic will result in more unnecessary losses for the samurai, and proposes that he poison the Mongols instead, a tactic that Shimura deems as an act of terror. When the Mongols are pushed back into the castle's inner keep, Shimura orders a frontal charge, which results in massive casualties for the samurai. During the battle, Shimura is shocked by Jin's dishonorable tactics, such as beheading a Mongol leader to terrify his troopers. Soon after, before the battle to retake Castle Shimura, Shimura broke the news to Jin that the shogun sent reinforcements to the island as well as their approval of Jin's adoption. After the smuggler successfully escapes the Mongol ships, Shimura revealed to Jin that he also put in a request to officially adopt Jin as his own son, making him heir to Clan Shimura. After they retake the Castle from the remaining Mongols, Shimura has Jin contact a smuggler to deliver a message requesting reinforcements to the mainland as the island is surrounded by Mongol ships. Shimura was eventually rescued by his nephew Jin Sakai and other allies, who then recaptured Castle Kaneda from Mongol hands. As time went on, Khotun would taunt Shimura with news that Jin has been killing without honor, with Shimura refusing to believe Khotun's words. In Kaneda, he was pressured by Khotun to surrender the island and join forces with him to conquer the Japanese mainland, but Shimura refused to surrender. He was captured by the Mongols under Khotun Khan and held captive on Castle Kaneda.

clan lord status

The defense ended in disaster as the Mongols killed the majority of his forces and invaded the island in a manner of hours. Shimura trained Jin how to fight and taught him their Code of Honor as he grew up.ĭuring the Mongol landing, Lord Shimura led the samurai forces against the Mongols on Komoda Beach. Feeling for Jin's loss of both his parents, Shimura took Jin under his wing and adopted him into his Clan. Years later, Kazumasa is killed in a battle and Shimura attended the ceremonial funeral for Kazumasa and approached a mourning Jin. Sometime in the past, Shimura's sister married Kazumasa Sakai of the Sakai Clan. His father and brothers were killed by Tokiasa Yarikawa during the Yarikawa Rebellion, leaving him as the sole and immediate successor of his father. Lord Shimura, his first name undisclosed to the player, was one previous clan lord's sons. Lord Shimura was the leader of Clan Shimura and jito-the lord paramount-of all Tsushima.

Clan lord status